Sunday, September 19, 2021


(After Sappho)

Upon the sober sky thy robes are spread,
They drape the twilight, veil on quiet veil,
Until the lingering daylight all has fled
Before thee, modest goddess, shadowpale :
The hushed and reverent sky
Her diadem of stars has lifted high.

The tender lamb, the bleating kid, the fawn,
All that the sunburnt day has scattered wide,
Thou dost regather, holding till the dawn
Each flower and tree and beast unto thy side :
The sheep come to the pen,
The dreams come to the men,
And to the mother's breast
The tired child doth come and take his rest.

Evening gathers everything
Scattered by the morning,
Fold for sheep and nest for wing,
Evening gathers everything,
Child to mother, queen to king
Running at thy warning ;
Evening gathers everything
Scattered by the morning.

Songs From The Clay [1915]

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